Ending Triple Threats Youth Engagement Campaign is carried out in marginalized rural communities of Muhoroni Sub-County, Nyando Sub-County and Nyakach Sub-County in Kisumu County. We aim to contribute to the reduction of the triple threats of New HIV cases, Sexual Gender Based Violence and Teenage Pregnancy. Kisumu county Rural sub county and the beaches have had challenge and increased rates of teen pregnancies ,sexual gender based violence and New cases of HIV with Kisumu east leading followed by Muhoroni sub county as per the department of health Kisumu county 2022 report .This have been associated with poverty and low level of education .Cultural and religious norms, financial barriers, limited Clinic hours ,health service providers attitudes and Geographical accessibility are some of the major contributors that hinders AGYWs and youth from Accessing quality SRH services. We address this by taking the SRH services to the youth within their safe spaces such as football grounds, and colleges
In advancing the sexual and reproductive health and rights of adolescents and youth the ending triple threat youth engagement Program aims to ● Ensure that SRHR services are responsive to the needs of adolescents and young people. This includes that: ○ Sexual and reproductive health services are delivered to adolescents and youth with dignity and respect, ○ Adolescents and young people receive an integrated package of services centered around their needs, ○ Innovative self-care approaches are used to promote the uptake of sexual and reproductive health services amongst adolescents and youth ○ The linkages between education and community outreach programs and the uptake of services are clearly defined and working.
In today's rapidly evolving world, addressing the challenges faced by adolescent girls and young women (AGYW) is of paramount importance. The intersection of new HIV infections, teenage pregnancy, and sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV) within learning institutions presents a complex and urgent issue. The "Rescue Dada" initiative is a comprehensive approach aim at tackling these triple threats head-on. The Rescue Dada initiative is grounded in the recognition that the well-being of AGYW is fundamental to the overall health and progress of communities. By addressing the interconnected issues of new HIV infections, teenage pregnancy, and SGBV, this initiative aims to break the cycle of vulnerability and contribute to healthier and more resilient communities. By creating a safe and supportive environment within learning institutions, AGYW can access the education, information, and services they need to thrive. It focuses on school mentorship sessions in primary, secondary and colleges where we provide age-appropriate health talks. We have also formed active health clubs in these schools where we have trained peer educators who are be guided with a curriculum.
Paper and plastic waste management are crucial components of modern environmental stewardship and sustainability efforts. As societies have evolved and consumption patterns have changed, the generation of paper and plastic waste has risen to alarming levels, leading to significant environmental challenges. Effective waste management strategies are essential to mitigate the negative impacts of these materials on ecosystems, human health, and the planet as a whole. Trash to Treasure project aims to engage the AGYW and youths on repurposing plastic and paper wastes into valuable items such as gift bags, flower vases, among others. This is carried out by holding capacity building sessions with the AGYW and youths at their various spaces.