In order to ensure successful implementation of this strategic plan, HEDSO has reviewed and reflected on the organization’s strengths and weaknesses, its past experiences and the lessons learned from them, the variety of challenges encountered, and the entire landscape that has impacted implementation, positively or otherwise. Based upon the above, various approaches and strategies have been agreed upon, which will inform the implementation style of this strategic plan.
Gender transformative and right-based community-led intergenerational dialogues, that seek to challenge gender stereotypes and inequalities and change harmful social norms. Community-led and peer-led sharing within close social circles through trained girls, youth, and adults champions to define new norms, change gender relations, and strengthen girls' agency.
Use of own generated and/or existing knowledge for policy-advocacy and program influence.
Working with girls, young women, youth, communities, and CSO human rights champions and coalitions to counter gender inequalities and stereotypes, promote gender equality, abandon harmful traditional practices, and form new norms.
Exercise meaningful engagement with other like-minded stakeholders by creating synergies within our work. Building meaningful, effective, and sustainable partnerships and networks.
Evidence-based, girl-led, and youth-led advocacy on accessing quality and comprehensive SRH services and information, comprehensive and age-responsive sexuality, increased budgetary allocation for SRHR services, and the development and adoption of gender-equal policies at county government level.
Focus on rural community mobilization and implementation to achieve change within the community unit.
Use of our expertise and experience to take a systematic journey with our beneficiaries.
We shall use the available social media, print media, and mainstream media to disseminate and carry out our advocacy work.
Working with the locals to find solutions to their problems.
Monitoring and evaluation are essential components of organizational management. They enable organizations to assess their performance, enhance accountability, promote learning, and improve decision-making processes, ultimately contributing to more effective and impactful interventions. HEDSO has developed a Monitoring and Evaluation Plan that provides a framework for the development of annual work plans, which will provide specific activities to be carried out each year.
Health and Economic Development Strategy Organization will continue to engage boys and men as allies in advancing a gender equal world. They have vital roles to play as change makers and champions of gender quality. By engaging them, we will continue to challenge gender norms and health to make spaces for girls and young women’s voices and leadership.